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Feathered Poppy Red and White Knight

Feathered Poppy Red and White Knight

Regular price $5.50 Sale

Erica Vale Seeds - Feathered Poppy Red and White Knight

Available Australia Wide
When to sow Spring / Autumn Sowing
Germination Easy (15-20 days)


Papaver Laciniatum

An easy, quick growing and spectacular new annual for sunny spots. Originally introduced in England prior to Work War 1 and then seemingly lost. Produces over a long period large numbers of huge 12 cm fully double blooms resembling balls of finely cut red and white feathers. The enormous seed heads on straight strong stems are popular for dried flower arrangements. Frost resistant annual. Height 60-90 cm. 

When to sow: 

From mid-Summer to early Winter, or in cold areas Autumn and Spring. Early sowing provide Winter blooms.